True Nature Travels Blog

5 Things You Need to Practice Yoga

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Deciding to practice yoga fro the first time can be intimidating. Questions like, “am I flexible enough?” and, “what should I wear?” are bound to be running through your mind. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter what yoga mat you use or where you buy your yoga pants. Everything you need to practice yoga can be found without leaving your room! Here are five things every beginner yogi should make sure to bring with them to their first yoga class, first yoga retreat, and every yoga event after that!

Practice Yoga

  1. An open mind

Let’s be honest, if you are new to yoga, you are going to be introduced to some strange concepts when you arrive at your first yoga class or retreat. And we’re not just talking about the more complicated yoga poses. Chances are your yoga teacher will start talking about energetics, chakras, and prana. You don’t need to believe in these things. Heck, you don’t even have to understand them! But if you want to get the most out of your yoga practice it is important to be open minded and listen to what the yogis around you are talking about with curiosity. This open mind will give you the chance to dive deep into your yoga practice and discover what lies beneath the asanas (those are the yoga postures).

  1. A willingness to try new things

If you’re going to a yoga class, you probably already have a bit of this. But your comfort zone will constantly be challenged when you practice yoga. No one expects you to strike a perfect headstand in your first class (or even in your first hundred classes). However, the only way to learn and grow is to try new things. So when your yoga teacher invites you to try an asana that may look a little strange or uncomfortable, don’t turn away. Give it a chance! Even if you fall, you will probably learn something on the way down.Practice Yoga

  1. Patience with your body

When you are in a yoga class full of people more experienced than you, it can get very frustrating. It’s hard to remain in your own body and practice when everyone around you looks so comfortable in their downward facing dog and moves seamlessly through their chatarangas. If you’re having trouble doing anything beyond child’s pose, don’t worry! That’s how everyone starts! When you are patient with your body and experiment with your limits you give your body a chance to grow and change and before you know it you’ll be hopping into handstand like it’s no big deal.

  1. Compassion for yourself

During all of the experimenting and growth that comes when you practice yoga, it can be hard to keep a good head and a kind heart. But imagine you were teaching something you are familiar with to a beginner. Would you get angry when they couldn’t do it? Would you push them far beyond what you know they can do? Or would you be compassionate and kind and set them up with all the tools they need to succeed? You can help yourself succeed and grow by giving yourself this same compassionate support.

Practice Yoga Class

  1. A good sense of humor

You will inevitably fall. You will miss a cue. You will accidently move the opposite way as the rest of the class. In these situations, you have two options: get angry and frustrated with yourself, or laugh and try again. it’s your decision, but only one of these things is going to help you enjoy your yoga experience and continue to grow. Even the most advanced yogis fall down. And they laugh about it and get back up, because that is how we learn.

That’s it! So arm yourself with these five tools and head to the mat… because you are ready to begin your yoga practice today! If you’re looking for a way to deepen your practice, take a look at our yoga and wellness retreats. These yoga retreats are a great way to immerse yourself in yoga and are open to all levels of yogis.

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