True Nature Travels Blog

We often hear about what we can learn from practicing yoga, but how often do we hear about what there is to learn from teaching yoga? After just three years of teaching yoga I feel like I’ve learned enough to fill hundreds of pages. Instead, I am writing this blog. If you have ever considered teaching yoga, I highly recommend it. Why? Because these are just a few of the many, many things you will learn from teaching yoga:

Teaching yoga teaches you how to read bodies

Teaching yoga to read bodies


I remember after my yoga teacher training I got in the habit of following people down the street. Not in a creepy way. I just liked to mimic their gait and see what I could learn about them from the way they walk. I know it sounds weird, but when you spend hours every day working with other people’s bodies you start to learn what these bodies are trying to tell us. There is so much hidden wisdom in the body and when we open our eyes to the complexity of the body we discover a whole world of knowledge we were previously blind to. When you teach yoga you study anatomy and learn a lot about the inner workings of the body. Slowly, the body starts to reveal its secrets to you and soon you start to see things everyone’s bodies are trying to say, including your own.

Helping people with their practice can deepen your own

Teaching yoga to deepen your practice

Part of teaching yoga is helping people dive into their practice and discover their relationship with yoga. When you do this, you have an opportunity to deepen your own practice along the way. You’ve probably heard the old saying that the best way to learn something backwards and forwards is to be able to teach it. The same goes for yoga. The more you talk to people about what yoga can do for them, discuss the powerful subtle energy involved in yoga, and dive into the philosophy and history of yoga, the better you learn these things for yourself. Teaching yoga is one of the best ways to understand yoga for all it is and can be.

When you are teaching yoga, you learn how complex yoga really is

Teaching yoga to discover complexity

When most of us think of yoga we think of a few asanas and connecting to our bodies. Teaching yoga taught me that yoga is so, so, so much more than just moving your body. Sometimes I would sit for hours in a lively conversation with one of my students and I would think to myself, “This. This is yoga.” Yoga literally means union and this union can show up in so many different shapes and forms. Teaching yoga helps you discover and unpack all the different things yoga can mean to you.

There is so much to discover inside the yoga teacher community

Teaching yoga to find community

It wasn’t until I became a yoga teacher that people started talking about crystal healing and spirit guides around me. We all have to find our own limits and decide which ideas to keep and which to contemplate then set aside, but teaching yoga allows us to find a lot more of these ideas. The yoga teacher community can be a wonderful community full of lively individuals with a vast array of world views. The longer you spend in this community, the more you get to learn about things that you may have never known about if you weren’t teaching yoga.

Teaching yoga has taught me more than I ever expected

All in all, I am beyond grateful that I opted to do my yoga teacher training. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I definitely was not expecting to learn this much. One of the most powerful experiences I have had teaching yoga was when I led a yoga retreat, but every time I step into a class I leave with a new lesson. I have been teaching for a few years and plan to keep teaching for years to come, but not so much because I love the process of teaching yoga, but because I love all the things I learn when teaching yoga.

True Nature Travels Blog

Earlier this August we had the opportunity to host our 3rd annual Embracing the Spirit retreat. It was an inspiring event in the mountains of North Carolina. This 3-day Shabbat retreat gave us all an opportunity to dedicate time in our lives to celebrating Shabbat with ritual, meditation. music, and more. One of the many beautiful things that came out of this retreat was a poem written by Sabrina Rockoff, one of those present at our Embracing the Spirit retreat.

I Hold Space for You

A poem from the Embracing the Spirit retreat

Embracing the Spirit retreat
Between the m and the period
Tiny, manila,
lighter than a whisper
in the palm of my hand.
I cup my hands
against the wind
creating a protected silence.
I hold space for you
between those two bright stars
dark and vast.
I drink it in with my breath,
swallowing the weight of the universe.
I hold space for you
between eye and eyelid
closed in longing prayer.
Safe, solitary
cool, quiet
healing and silent
am I.
I hold space for you
between lovers’ bodies
intimate blazing.
My body bakes in anticipation;
My soul aflame.
I hold space for you
between babe’s tongue and mother’s milk
unseen, private,
sweet, nourishing,
known only in my heart.
I hold space for you
between soul cradled in body,
a fleeting glimpse of eternity.
Precious, wise,
ending and beginning,
are we.
We would like to extend a big thank you to all who joined us at this magical gathering. It was a wonderful celebration and we invite you to join us for our next Embracing the Spirit retreat… just keep an eye on our calendar for news of the next gathering. Until then, let us all hold space and live from a place of love.

True Nature Travels Blog

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bark (Vegan, GF, Paleo)

This delicious and easy recipe for home made Twix Bark will tickle all of your senses.

I have a sweet tooth. Yes, me, the health coach. I admit it. I always have. When I started my journey into health awareness over 7 years ago, I made a commitment to myself to not deprive myself, but rather make everything that I ate be of nutritional value. It started me on a journey of discovering new and healthy ways to recreate my naught favorites.

This recipe is akin to this journey.

healthy chocolate bark

So, let’s begin the adventure on how this delicious dessert is made.

I was surprised at how EASY this was to make. The recipe preparation took me no more than 15 minutes, and the cooling process no more than 30 minutes.


healthy chocolateWith my little one, I expect to be reinventing even more desserts in the future. I want to pass down the tradition of making and baking healthy goodies, so that it becomes a tradition.

When I was growing up, there were no healthy alternatives for candy. There was simply candy. I want to let my kids know that there are always healthy alternatives. I want it to be FUN for them to find and make these treats.

I feel a little bad for sending photos of these delectable creations to my friends and family. They all wanted an order immediately. The only downside (And upside) is that they need to stay refrigerated, so sharing these with not so near by neighbors, isn’t so easy.

healthy chocolate peanut butter bark

This recipe only needs 6 ingredients! We mix-match them in various ways for the 3 layers.

I know that you will just LOVE this Twix Bark. If you are looking for more recipes and ideas on how to improve your health, message me at for a free health consult to begin your journey into health, happiness, and whole living.

Healthy Chocolate Peanut Butter Bark Recipe

Prep Time 15 mins Cook time 10 mins Cool Time 5 mins

 Total time 30 mins

Serves: about 16 bars


For the crust

•⅔ cup coconut flour

•¼ teaspoon himalayan salt

•3 tablespoons pure maple syrup

•⅓ cup coconut oil, solid

For the caramel filling

•½ cup creamy nut butter of choice

•⅓ cup pure maple syrup

•⅓ cup coconut oil, melted

•1 teaspoon vanilla extract

•¼ teaspoon himalayan salt

For the chocolate topping

•¼ cup coconut oil, melted

•¼ cup cocoa powder

•2 tablespoons maple syrup

•½ teaspoon himalayan rock salt


1.Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Grease a 14×5” tart pan or 8×8” square pan with coconut oil

2.Combine coconut flour and salt in a bowl. Add the maple syrup and stir until fully combined and crumbly. Add the room temperature coconut oil and mix until a large dough ball forms, pressing out any clumps of coconut oil. I used my hands at the end to bring the dough fully together.

3.Press the dough into the prepared pan. Bake for 9-11 minutes, or until golden brown around the edges. Let cool completely.

4.For the filling, combine all of the ingredients in a small saucepan and heat until all of the ingredients are melted and throughly combined. Pour over the crust and let cool in the refrigerator until set before topping with chocolate layer.

5.For the chocolate topping, whisk together all of the ingredients and pour over the cooled caramel layer. Smooth evenly and sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Let cool until set. Slice into 1-inch slices, or 16 squares. Keep stored in the refrigerator.


Bon appetit!


eating healthy chocolateAuthor: Alana Roach  is a International Yogi. Formerly adorned by the city lights and the busy streets of America, she was then whisked away by the illustrious path of yoga and took to traveling the world to share it with others. A few years back she started to write about the transformation she undertook by  pra
cticing consciou
s meditation. Her passions became her career and she now holds RYS Teacher Trainings & International Retreas, Health Coaches, and writes about it every opportunity she gets. In her spare time she loves cuddling with her daughter,  surfing, being in nature, and living amongst her ever growing and global loving and conscious community. She is on Facebook , InstagramTwitter, and can be reached by email


True Nature Travels Blog

Peru is one of those countries that people can’t stop talking about once they’ve visited. But as one of so many countries, is it really worth it to visit Peru? What makes this country so spectacular? Here at True Nature Education we have fallen so in love with Peru that we have eagerly started hosting retreats there, and everyone we’ve talked to has come back raving about the experience. Curious? Read on to learn why we think everyone (including you) should visit Peru.

Peru is wild Mother Nature in all her glory


There is no way around it; Peru is breath-taking. From soaring mountains to sweeping deserts, the environment in Peru is diverse and striking. If you have a passionate love for the natural world, Peru is the place to be. It has some of the bluest lakes and greenest hills we have ever seen. Even if you are not as in love with Mother Nature as we are, Peru is bound to win your heart. Head north to Huaraz to climb enormous mountains or try your hand at sand-boarding in Huacachina, a charming desert oasis. Of course then there’s the famous Sacred Valley, an emerald wonderland that will make you question everything you thought you knew about the limits of beauty. The Sacred Valley is one of our favorite regions in Peru and it is where we host our Peru wellness retreats, but honestly we are in love with every inch of this unbeatable country.

When you visit Peru, you visit the past

Peru is full of more than beautiful nature. It is also home to a rich history that the people have kept alive to this day. This is especially true in the Sacred Valley where, wandering through the hills, you are bound to find innumerable remnants from the Incans that lived here long before Peru was Peru. While the Incan civilization is long gone, their memory still walks every street in Peru. When you visit Peru it is like going back in time. From the pre-Incan temples in Trujillo to the famous ruins of Machu Picchu, every inch of Peru tells a story and it is a story you are going to want to hear.

Magic is still alive and well in Peru

Most people visit Peru for the history or the nature, but that is not why they fall in love with the country. The reason people fall in love with Peru is because of the magic that floats on every breath. Maybe it’s just us yogis, but when we are balancing in headstand and watching the birds fly over the Sacred Valley, we can’t help but feel like this world—and especially this country—is truly magical. Every face seems to smile with the knowledge that something bigger is happening here and every step feels like a communion between you and the one-of-a-kind country you’ve found yourself in.

You don’t know what you’re missing until you go

With so many countries to choose from we understand that it can be hard to decide whether to visit Peru or some other exotic place. But trust us when we say Peru is worth your time. There are countless ways to experience the wonder that is Peru, but we highly recommend checking out one of our wellness retreats. Sure, we are biased, but we also believe that there is nothing quite as powerful as soaking in the glory of Peru while also dedicating a week to nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Yoga and wellness retreats are great and Peru is great… put the two together and you’ve got something truly unbelievable.

True Nature Travels Blog

Costa Rica Yoga AdventureI found myself hiking uphill in a small town on the outskirts of Turriabla  on a Costa Rican adventure, wondering exactly what I got myself into. I was beyond exhausted from hours jumping from bus to bus, brain buzzing with struggling with translating the language, and was surrounded by mainly cows and leaf cutter ants. I was on an adventure.

I came straight out of a blissful week in the sweet beach town of Santa Teresa, covering a True Nature Yoga and Wellness retreat. The vibes there were strong, positive, safe, and every aspect of day to day was covered. Beautiful dishes were served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; pristine rooms, hot showers, daily yoga sessions, dancing waves, and a whole team to support you. Needless to say a yoga vacation is the way to go for a chance to relax, reconnect, and simply be. So this was quite a little bit of a shock.

I tend to be an adventurous soul. I am not a stranger to backpacking trips, traveling solo, getting lost in nature, and ultimately just figuring it out. I figured why not while I am in Costa Rica go off the beaten path and discover something new. So I did. What I did not anticipate is my banking account being shut down for what they think was fraud, my cell phone to stop working in these small off the grid towns, and the language barrier to be so strong where I wouldn’t speak english for a week or two straight. I was not on a yoga retreat anymore. Either way, I trudged along and took in all I could with an open heart and mind.

Costa Rica Adventure Travel

So this is where you find me, huge backpack, 5 dollars to last me a week and walking straight up hill to a tiny farm where I would spend the next 4 days in La Suiza along the river. La Suiza is a sweet little town based around sugar cane. Small, friendly, where everyone knows everyone. Within the town a beautiful rushing river cuts through the small mountains. And let me tell you, the river taught me everything I needed to know.

DSC_2827In our culture and day to day lives, it is all about the hustle and bustle. We push ourselves in our personal life, careers, and are usually working towards what is next. It is ingrained in us and becomes subconscious behavior. At least for me it is, and I am sure many of you can relate. Juggling professional life, family life, and self care is a never ending “to do” list. On top of that add in our constant connectivity where we can be reached and expected to be reached at any moment. Instagram, facebook, snapchat, emails, all in your pocket.

Strip this away and what are you left with. When you are forced to be out of pocket, tasks have to wait, your world literally gets put on pause. Cows. I was left with cows, muddy trails, and my monkey brain running in circles on how to get cell service, answer emails, and continue on while in this town.

Costa Rican Adventures

Adventure Travel

Well long story short, a day later in my quaint little shack along the river, I realized it was about surrender. Life has a funny way of giving you just what you need. It is your choice if you will go with the current or against it. Will you go with the flow or fight it. By allowing ourselves space to tap into the natural progressions of life, it is no longer an upstream battle but a playful ride down the rapids.

DSC_2740By the second day, I woke up lightness in my step. Waking up to the rushing river, birds chirping, and the world yawning herself into the
day. I picked fresh avocados, mangos, and bananas for food. I jumped from rock to rock along the river. Sat down with the animals to read.
Examined each and every flower surrounding the house. Made friends with an old farmer. And rolled in the mud. I turned off my brain, told the world to wait and played.

Costa Rican Adventure TravelI needed to be reminded it all isn’t so serious and that we all need to delegate time for play, day dreams, and simply being. Maybe it didn’t require such an extreme adventure, remoteness, and challenging situations for me to get there in my head space. But that is how it happened and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The river danced with the sunbeams, and laughed along the rocks, she pushed me right along and when I left I had a tear in my eye. I came in crying with stress and exhaustion and left with tears of joy, surrender, and gratitude.

I was off to the next leg of my journey, a True Nature Educational and Adventure trip, where uncertainty would not be an issue.  I would be well taken care of, going on epic adventures in a controlled environment, speaking English, connecting with awesome student leaders, and surrounded by all the beauty of Costa Rica. All the while, in the back of my head I would hear the river whispering to me to go with the flow and have some fun.

Adventure Travel









True Nature Travels Blog

Deciding to practice yoga fro the first time can be intimidating. Questions like, “am I flexible enough?” and, “what should I wear?” are bound to be running through your mind. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter what yoga mat you use or where you buy your yoga pants. Everything you need to practice yoga can be found without leaving your room! Here are five things every beginner yogi should make sure to bring with them to their first yoga class, first yoga retreat, and every yoga event after that!

Practice Yoga

  1. An open mind

Let’s be honest, if you are new to yoga, you are going to be introduced to some strange concepts when you arrive at your first yoga class or retreat. And we’re not just talking about the more complicated yoga poses. Chances are your yoga teacher will start talking about energetics, chakras, and prana. You don’t need to believe in these things. Heck, you don’t even have to understand them! But if you want to get the most out of your yoga practice it is important to be open minded and listen to what the yogis around you are talking about with curiosity. This open mind will give you the chance to dive deep into your yoga practice and discover what lies beneath the asanas (those are the yoga postures).

  1. A willingness to try new things

If you’re going to a yoga class, you probably already have a bit of this. But your comfort zone will constantly be challenged when you practice yoga. No one expects you to strike a perfect headstand in your first class (or even in your first hundred classes). However, the only way to learn and grow is to try new things. So when your yoga teacher invites you to try an asana that may look a little strange or uncomfortable, don’t turn away. Give it a chance! Even if you fall, you will probably learn something on the way down.Practice Yoga

  1. Patience with your body

When you are in a yoga class full of people more experienced than you, it can get very frustrating. It’s hard to remain in your own body and practice when everyone around you looks so comfortable in their downward facing dog and moves seamlessly through their chatarangas. If you’re having trouble doing anything beyond child’s pose, don’t worry! That’s how everyone starts! When you are patient with your body and experiment with your limits you give your body a chance to grow and change and before you know it you’ll be hopping into handstand like it’s no big deal.

  1. Compassion for yourself

During all of the experimenting and growth that comes when you practice yoga, it can be hard to keep a good head and a kind heart. But imagine you were teaching something you are familiar with to a beginner. Would you get angry when they couldn’t do it? Would you push them far beyond what you know they can do? Or would you be compassionate and kind and set them up with all the tools they need to succeed? You can help yourself succeed and grow by giving yourself this same compassionate support.

Practice Yoga Class

  1. A good sense of humor

You will inevitably fall. You will miss a cue. You will accidently move the opposite way as the rest of the class. In these situations, you have two options: get angry and frustrated with yourself, or laugh and try again. it’s your decision, but only one of these things is going to help you enjoy your yoga experience and continue to grow. Even the most advanced yogis fall down. And they laugh about it and get back up, because that is how we learn.

That’s it! So arm yourself with these five tools and head to the mat… because you are ready to begin your yoga practice today! If you’re looking for a way to deepen your practice, take a look at our yoga and wellness retreats. These yoga retreats are a great way to immerse yourself in yoga and are open to all levels of yogis.

True Nature Travels Blog

A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat, What’s Not To Love?

Costa Rica Yoga Vacation
The sky ripped and roared. Lightening illuminated the sky and thunder shook the oceans. I was coming in on a ferry boat into a foreign land in the dark by myself. I have traveled solo quite a bit and I was no stranger to thunder storms. So I took in the rain and pondered what was awaiting me at my final destination. After all, I was in Costa Rica, a place of paradise, covering something I care tremendously for, yoga retreats.

In Cost Rica there is one Spanish lesson you need, Pura Vida. Hi= Pura Vida. How are you= Pura Vida. I am doing well= Pura Vida. The locals, or “ticos” joke about this, but really there is a lot of truth to this phrase that literally breaks down to Pure Life, and is virtually laurenandkellyused as much as possible. That is the mentality of this gorgeous country; pure life. Barely the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica has so much to offer from culture to landscapes. The hospitality is unreal and the abundance of love and greenery is just as mind blowing. I couldn’t wait to join the Shakti Yoga retreat!

I was excited to dive in and as I arrived to the lush tropical retreat center on the ocean, I had butterflies of what to expect. Every yoga retreat is different and beautiful in their own special and unique way. I was joining in the last leg of this trip. It was the Shakti Power Yoga retreat. I walked in at the end of dinner and immediately felt at home. Warm beaming smiles, radiating hearts, and glowing yogis greeted me. I knew I arrived.

Long story short, the Shakti Yoga sisters, Lauren and Kelly, know how to lead a robust and fantastic retreat. They have been part of the True Nature family for sometime and their global adventures have evolved to an art. The community they bring with them from Nashville and the yogis from around the nation that join their retreats all reflect what Lauren and Kelly are all about, love.


They truly love what they do and it shines. The community they build during retreat is strong with acceptance, dedication, and a playful spirit. It was such a pleasure and honor to get to know these lovely ladies and explore what retreat means on the shores of Costa Rica.

To accurately account and share the entire retreat would need more than one blog space dedicated. Alas, this is one blog post, so I will do my best to share my top 3 things I love about going on retreat with the Shakti sisters and True Nature.

1. Karma Yoga Project: The heart and soul of True Nature is the act of giving back, or Karma Yoga. Sure you can travel and participate in eco tourism. But, it is another thing to dive in heads first, roll up those sleeves and immerse yourself into the culture. Paying particular attention to seeing what work needs to be done and then physically fulfilling that work on a micro level is such a lovely way to give back to the communities your visiting. Most True Nature yoga retreats include an aspect of this. For the Shakti Yoga retreat we participated in a school that serves elementary school children. We cleaned up yards, prepped gardens, taught yoga, played, laughed and learned.karmayoga

2. Family: Family is more than just blood. It is the people you connect and share with. Every one of these beautiful ladies ytton retreat were so sweet, accommodating, and genuine. Deep and beautiful friendships were forged. Also, there was literal family on this trip; multiple groups of sisters and moms!!! Daily practicing, group meals, excursions, and service projects made relationships strong and vibrant. Being surrounded by this energy is an amazing boost of connection that I greatly appreciated. Lauren and Kelly did an amazing job fostering these relationships and allowed a space for new friendships to blossom, and past relationships to strengthen.

fourwheeln3. Adventure. You can not have a Costa Rica experience without adventure. Whether your four wheeling through dense jungles with howler monkeys guiding your way, trudging through rivers to experience a powerful waterfall, or being covered with saltwater from surfing in rolling waves right outside your room’ a Pura Vida experience is at your finger tips. During retreat, excursions are abundant and supported by local and knowledgeable guides. Not only will you know you will be safe and the outing will go smooth, but you will push your limits and experience something totally new. I am a strong believer that adventure wakes something up in all of us. One of my favorite experiences with the Shakti yoga group was four wheeling through rainforests to the close by town of Montezuma, a quaint rootsy coastal town. Delicious food, local goods, waves crashing, and speed on four wheels allowed a memorable experience.

I could go on and on about how wonderful this week is for yourself offering a chance for one to reconnect, serve, practice, and adventure on. The best way to experience it, is first hand. We would love to have you! The Shakti sisters are hosting a True Nature Italy retreat this fall with only a couple spots available! Be sure to check it out here and hope to see you global!


True Nature Travels Blog

A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat, What’s Not To Love?

Costa Rica Yoga Vacation
The sky ripped and roared. Lightening illuminated the sky and thunder shook the oceans. I was coming in on a ferry boat into a foreign land in the dark by myself. I have traveled solo quite a bit and I was no stranger to thunder storms. So I took in the rain and pondered what was awaiting me at my final destination. After all, I was in Costa Rica, a place of paradise, covering something I care tremendously for, yoga retreats.

In Cost Rica there is one Spanish lesson you need, Pura Vida. Hi= Pura Vida. How are you= Pura Vida. I am doing well= Pura Vida. The locals, or “ticos” joke about this, but really there is a lot of truth to this phrase that literally breaks down to Pure Life, and is virtually laurenandkellyused as much as possible. That is the mentality of this gorgeous country; pure life. Barely the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica has so much to offer from culture to landscapes. The hospitality is unreal and the abundance of love and greenery is just as mind blowing. I couldn’t wait to join the Shakti Yoga retreat!

I was excited to dive in and as I arrived to the lush tropical retreat center on the ocean, I had butterflies of what to expect. Every yoga retreat is different and beautiful in their own special and unique way. I was joining in the last leg of this trip. It was the Shakti Power Yoga retreat. I walked in at the end of dinner and immediately felt at home. Warm beaming smiles, radiating hearts, and glowing yogis greeted me. I knew I arrived.

Long story short, the Shakti Yoga sisters, Lauren and Kelly, know how to lead a robust and fantastic retreat. They have been part of the True Nature family for sometime and their global adventures have evolved to an art. The community they bring with them from Nashville and the yogis from around the nation that join their retreats all reflect what Lauren and Kelly are all about, love.


They truly love what they do and it shines. The community they build during retreat is strong with acceptance, dedication, and a playful spirit. It was such a pleasure and honor to get to know these lovely ladies and explore what retreat means on the shores of Costa Rica.

To accurately account and share the entire retreat would need more than one blog space dedicated. Alas, this is one blog post, so I will do my best to share my top 3 things I love about going on retreat with the Shakti sisters and True Nature.

1. Karma Yoga Project: The heart and soul of True Nature is the act of giving back, or Karma Yoga. Sure you can travel and participate in eco tourism. But, it is another thing to dive in heads first, roll up those sleeves and immerse yourself into the culture. Paying particular attention to seeing what work needs to be done and then physically fulfilling that work on a micro level is such a lovely way to give back to the communities your visiting. Most True Nature yoga retreats include an aspect of this. For the Shakti Yoga retreat we participated in a school that serves elementary school children. We cleaned up yards, prepped gardens, taught yoga, played, laughed and learned.karmayoga

2. Family: Family is more than just blood. It is the people you connect and share with. Every one of these beautiful ladies ytton retreat were so sweet, accommodating, and genuine. Deep and beautiful friendships were forged. Also, there was literal family on this trip; multiple groups of sisters and moms!!! Daily practicing, group meals, excursions, and service projects made relationships strong and vibrant. Being surrounded by this energy is an amazing boost of connection that I greatly appreciated. Lauren and Kelly did an amazing job fostering these relationships and allowed a space for new friendships to blossom, and past relationships to strengthen.

fourwheeln3. Adventure. You can not have a Costa Rica experience without adventure. Whether your four wheeling through dense jungles with howler monkeys guiding your way, trudging through rivers to experience a powerful waterfall, or being covered with saltwater from surfing in rolling waves right outside your room’ a Pura Vida experience is at your finger tips. During retreat, excursions are abundant and supported by local and knowledgeable guides. Not only will you know you will be safe and the outing will go smooth, but you will push your limits and experience something totally new. I am a strong believer that adventure wakes something up in all of us. One of my favorite experiences with the Shakti yoga group was four wheeling through rainforests to the close by town of Montezuma, a quaint rootsy coastal town. Delicious food, local goods, waves crashing, and speed on four wheels allowed a memorable experience.

I could go on and on about how wonderful this week is for yourself offering a chance for one to reconnect, serve, practice, and adventure on. The best way to experience it, is first hand. We would love to have you! The Shakti sisters are hosting a True Nature Italy retreat this fall with only a couple spots available! Be sure to check it out here and hope to see you global!


True Nature Travels Blog

Whether you are packing for a yoga retreat or heading to your favorite yoga class, good yoga gear is important. We’ve taken a moment to compile five of what we believe is the best yoga apparel and gear available today. Take a look at what we love and why we love it!

1. Jade Travel Yoga Mat


best yoga apparel 1


This mat is everything you need in one. Not only does it boast a great grip, but it’s light and can be rolled or folded to fit into your luggage. Which means you can take this mat anywhere without it being a big hassle. To top it all off, it’s made by Jade, a company well known for producing high-quality, long-lasting, and durable yoga mats.

2. prAna “Rai Swim Tight”


best yoga apparel2


Summer is around the corner, which means it is the perfect time to prefect your on-the-beach yoga practice. But if we’re being honest, yoga on the beach isn’t always as magical as the pictures make it seem. You’re bound to get sand all over your yoga pants and then you have to find a place to change before you can jump in the water. prAna came up with the solution for that: yoga pants that double as swim bottoms. I mean, really, what more do you need in life. (P.S. We love everything on the prAna website. They have some of the best yoga apparel around).

3. Spiritual Gangster “Love is All We Need” Tank


best yoga apparel 3


The world seems to be in a state of turmoil. There’s an unfortunate amount of hate being tossed around. Which is why we love this “Love is All You Need” tank. Where it proud and let the message serve as a constant reminder that with a little more love, everything else will follow. We are big believers in the philosophy that the best yoga apparel isn’t just those that fit well, but those that speak to the bigger picture of what yoga is all about.

4. Travel Zen Inflatable Meditation Cushion


best yoga apparel 4


We applaud those yogis that can comfortably sit in full lotus for hours on a hard surface. We also understand that most of us don’t fit this description. Meditation cushions are a great solution for making meditation more comfortable, but they tend to be large and heavy and inconvenient for anyone who ever wants to meditate somewhere that isn’t home. Insert that Travel Zen. This inflatable meditation cushion gives you the opportunity to find zen wherever you go.

5. Anjali “Jai Top”


best yoga apparel 5


The 70s style is back and crop-tops are flying off the shelves. We get it—sometimes a sports bra feels too revealing, but it’s just so dang hot. Well now you can look great, stay cool, and help the environment all at once. The Anjali Jai Top isn’t just adorable, it’s also practical and comfortable. To top it all off, it’s made from recycled materials! So you can buy it guilt-free.

Put your yoga gear to the test!

Now that you’ve got the best yoga apparel and gear, it’s time to put it to use! And you know what the best way to break in your yoga gear is, right? No?? Well here’s a hint: yoga gear and soaking up the sun on a white sand beach in Costa Rica tend to go hand in hand. Or at least, we think they do. Check out our calendar to see when and where we are hosting yoga retreats, and sign up for one of these life changing experiences today!

True Nature Travels Blog

Check out our most recent update from the ongoing True Nature retreats in Costa Rica and find out how to sign up for a retreat today!
Last weekend was fun.
We decided to camp at Barra Honda National Park, in the province of Guanacaste.
It was raining cats and dogs, the camping area wasn’t too flat and we put our camping tent when we arrived at night, so you can imagine how comfortable it was… but after driving for about 5 hours, we were sleeping well.
I love Arenal area and if I could choose a place to spend the rest of my life, I could choose exactly the same! I pretty much enjoy my village, the people, the environment, everything, however Guanacaste has something special that calls me regularly and this time we just listened Mother Nature. She called us from Terciopelo Cave, 42 meters under the ground!
costa rica yoga retreats
We walked for hours under the rain. We saw different birds and lots of plants. When we got to the entrance of the cave, we discovered there was a 18 meters ladder. Wow! What an incredible experience! We decided to enter and I was really scared. It was dark and cold…
I am not completely sure if it was cold! Maybe I was cold because of my fears. Someone named this cavern “Terciopelo” which is the Spanish name of a poisoned snake from my beautiful country. You may have an idea about what I was expecting to find there, but I didn’t find any kind of snake, instead of this, I found myself.
I have been scared of many things during my life, I have been passing through many different situations and I thought I was weak because I cried, because I felt too sad, because I hadn’t the total control thousand of times and things were a disaster from my point of view.
I didn’t know I am too strong because I cried, because nobody always can have the control, because life goes as it is and it is always perfect, not from our point of view, but from God’s point of view.
The cave was dark and silent. It was good to me, it was amazing to stay there, I enjoyed the detail of not be able to see anything, what is invisible to the eyes is the most important to life.
When the exploration finished, I closed my eyes and that way I started to go out, step by step. My friend were laughing when they saw me going up the ladder with my eyes closed, but I was happy (and not too scary now).
The Lindsay inside me is Pura Vida! I like her very much! She has many mistakes and she tries to enjoy of the moment, she wants to improve and now I know she doesn’t care if life doesn’t go the expected way, she doesn’t care if there is darkness around, because the light is always inside her.
Nature is the best teacher and some important lessons can also be learned in Costa Rica!
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