True Nature Travels Blog

Wanting to create that perfect space for your home practice? Hannah West from Modernize has some great tips and hints! Check out her guest spot and get some inspiration….


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Like eating a healthy breakfast, doing yoga before you start your day can raise your energy levels and boost your metabolism. It also reduces anxiety by letting you start off each day with a clean slate, free of distractions and in touch with yourself.

Dashing off to squeeze your studio lesson in before work can defeat the purpose of the calming and centering practice of yoga. If that describes your morning, maybe you should think about creating your own private yoga space at home. Even if you don’t think you have much space to work with, a little corner of your room is enough to help you start your day mindfully.


First, you’re going to need enough room to stretch out. If you have to, rearrange a little furniture or even get rid of a few things you don’t need. Deflect distractions by removing objects from

your space, even if it means re-hanging a picture frame or poster somewhere else. Put distance between your special spot and the TV, the alarm clock, or your workspace. If necessary, hang or erect some kind of partition that separates you from the distractions of your living space.

Soften Hard Surfaces

Adding a little cushion to the floor will protect you from injury in addition to making you feel more comfortable. Even doing yoga on carpet can be hard on your back and neck if you don’t use a cushion. Aside from a yoga mat, you can consider rubber flooring tiles or cushions for meditation–anything to make sure discomfort won’t be a distraction.

Create Mood Lighting

Natural light coming in from outside on a sunny day can greatly contribute to your feeling of serenity. But peaceful lighting can be a challenge for people whose rooms have small windows or fluorescent overhead lights. Use partitions or even sheets from your linen closet to soften harsh light. Make sure you do this in a way that doesn’t create a fire hazard, and be careful to blow out candles after every session if you use them to set the mood.

Nail the Ambiance

You have your free space, your soft surface, and your peaceful lighting. Now you have the option to complete the sensory experience with calming sounds. The music you choose should give you the sense of spiritual retreat. You can also use a sound machine to feel more connected with nature and keep your mind a blank slate for meditation. For an extra touch of ambiance, throw in pleasant fragrances. Use scented candles, incense, potpourri, or even a plug-in scent to stimulate the part of your brain that regulates emotions. Scents like lavender, pine, and jasmine are known for their calming effects.

Find Inspiration

Removing distractions is vital to creating a yoga space, but that doesn’t mean removing every personal touch. Find something that inspires you and use it as the visual focal point of your space. Whether it’s a photograph of a distant landscape, a painting, a sculpture, or even a beautiful plant, whatever helps you both concentrate and clear your mind at the same time can serve as your inspiration.

For more design ideas and inspiration, head to

Thank you Hannah for the awesome article! Did you dedicate a space for your home practice? We would love to hear about it! Feel free to share below.


Want to take your practice out of the house and maybe to even a new country? Check out True Nature’s Global Retreats!


True Nature Travels Blog

mindfulnessinthenewyearSet Intentions (It is never too late!)

Mindfulness is based on awareness in the present moment. This presence can also be utilized as a catalyst to set your trajectory into the future by focusing on mindfulness in the new year. From a space of stillness and clarity we often receive visions, ideas, and realizations. Invite your own intentions to sprout forth naturally until the next time you practice or find yourself in space of mindfulness.
Write down your intentions, and revisit them as frequently as you find helpful. Return back to the intentions again at the beginning of next year and reevaluate your path in life.

Gather and Support your Friends and Community

The Sangha “Spiritual Community” can be one of our greatest gifts in life. Following the holidays, which are filled with a wide-range of emotions, and going into the winter, it is a good time to surround yourself with people that nurture, support, and inspire you. As the New Year begins maybe it is time to cultivate some new relationships and take account of your energy and who you share it with. Use your friends and family as a support system to help you follow through with your intentions for the New Year.

Remember Every Day is a New Day…and a New Year

From a Mindfulness perspective every moment is an opportunity to start again. The New Year is the clear beginning of a new cycle of the calendar and for many of us. The freshness of a new chapter can be inspiring and a reminder of hope. We also can remember that just as the seasons change, the sun rises each morning, and as we take each breath we also have the opportunity to start anew.

“No” is the New “Yes” ?

In a time where options are seemingly unlimited, it is a good time to truly contemplate and discern your choices. When options are presented to you, take your time and be mindful in making your next decision. Use a 24 hour period to “meditate” on the situation and seek clarity on this next step, which might be small or large. Realize that saying “no” (and maybe “thank you”) can be just as empowering and rewarding as saying “yes”.

Create More Space

The New Year is a great time to let go and release that which does not serve anymore.
A time to reevaluate what has taken up the space in your full life and make a purge, opening up more room to breathe and be. This might come in the form of letting go of material items (I have a 3 year old and we are donating unused toys this month), reevaluating your daily routine, taking some space from people that might not be nurturing and uplifting you anymore, and carving out time for “you”!

Be of Service

I believe we can never remind ourselves and one another too often of the opportunity to be of service. When we take time to serve others, and put our agendas aside, the rewards are priceless. In a time on the planet where we have so much, we also have more and more people in need. Being of service is a duty in community, and it is also a gift we can offer to ourselves and others. If we all set the intention this year to serve more together w can help support the well-being and happiness of our planet in this coming year.

True Nature Travels Blog


At first glance the holidays exude a joyful and spirited time of year. Parties and merriment abound while ’tis-ing the season to give warms and fills our hearts. While this may be true for some, for others the holidays can bring up challenging and negative feelings and emotions around the excessive commercialism of our society, grief and sadness over the loss of loved ones can be especially hard during this time of year and even the anxiety over the pressure of “new beginnings” with the New Year knocking on our door can remind us of our failed attempts at resolutions and intentions in the past. How do we find a balance? How can we cut straight to the real meaning of the season which truly centers around hope and possibility? Here are three ways to check in and reconnect with discovering your own “reason for the season.”

Make a list of what you love about the holidays

Make a list of three (or more) things that you love about this time of year. Is it listening to Christmas music or making cookies with your loved ones? Is it making homemade gifts or volunteering at the local shelter. Let’s be honest – they do not say “the hustle and bustle” of the holidays for no reason. It is so easy to get caught up in what might be not important to you at all during this time of year. By keeping your list close by and when things come up that you may not feel so comfortable with, looking to your list and touching in with one of those, you can stay close to what is important to you.

Create a space to reflect on the last year

We can get so caught up in looking to the New Year to see what “we can change” about ourselves that we often forget to stop and reflect on our accomplishments, our challenges, our ups and downs and what we have learned over the past year. It’s important to look back with thoughtful reflection and perhaps with a little more of that, you will find it a bit easier to look ahead with optimism and excitement.

Find time to give back

Regardless of whether we love or hate the holiday season, making time to give is not just something we should do once a year – BUT if that is the case, being of service to others is a straight shot of love right to the heart and truly has the potential to bring an abiding peace to your soul. Perhaps it is volunteering at a shelter by cooking a holiday meal or maybe it is choosing to make donations in your families names instead of buying gifts. It is ALWAYS the season of giving around here at True Nature and we love the holidays especially because of that.

True Nature Travels Blog

It is so very easy to get caught up in the hustle bustle of the holidays. Gifts, food, decorations, running around to see family, etc. The potential for this very special time of year to truly transform your life often gets lost in all of the “holiday noise”.  We want to remind you of the truly healing power of gratitude.

1.  It is scientifically proven that an attitude of gratitude can make you happier and improve your health.


This list of benefits was compiled in more than 40 research studies on gratitude. Pretty incredible to see how living with a foundation of gratitude in your life affects each and every area of your life.  By shifting your mindset to what you have to be thankful for in the moment rather than what you don’t have very well might be the golden chalice to living a full, healthy, happy  and long life.

2. Gratitude helps us to be aware of the beauty around us

Not only does gratitude help us to transform our own inner lives, but we also cannot help but notice all of the beauty around us. The people, places and things that have been put in our life and on our path have all been placed there for a reason. We might notice our grandmas new Christmas sweater and think to tell her how pretty she looks in it. We might recognize something our partner does for us everyday, that may have gone unnoticed and share with them how grateful we are that they do these small things to make our life better, together. Even the sight of children playing fills your heart with gratitude to be able to witness the innocence and simplicity of life.

3. Practicing gratitude requires NO practice! You can start anytime, anywhere! Why not right now!


Not matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter how old or young you are – you can ALWAYS take a moment to pause, notice your breath and find something to be grateful for right here and now. Gratitude is the best medicine for a mind that is feeling stuck. Many people find it healing and helpful to keep a gratitude journal and either end or begin each day writing five things they are thankful for.

Be Grounded in Gratitude

Before the holiday rush truly hits – set a few intentions with us to stay grounded in Gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at True Nature Education!

True Nature Travels Blog

Have you ever wanted to “get something more” out of your family vacations? Do you want your vacations to feel more like a transformational journey, not only for you but for your whole clan? Do you want to have an experience that will create lasting positive change for you and those you love the most? Have you ever considered taking a service adventure trip?

1) Take a break from the “Normal” Vacation

Zipline experience

The normal vacation to each family might look slightly different, but it usually consists of going to hotel, usually the same type of hotel you have visited before, sitting by the pool, going shopping, eating at the usual restaurants, etc. When you take a break from the normal vacation and take part in a service/adventure trip you realize the possibilities that are available when traveling together. Your horizons are expanded and fresh memories are etched in your families journal of time, that in the end you remember much more than the “normal” vacation and inspires you to have a new outlook on a new type of vacation

2) Create a deeper appreciation for what you have

There is nothing like returning home, especially when you have visited a place that is dramatically different than where you live. I remember returning back from a trip to the mountains of India where I had no hot water, still to this day, I have a sense of gratitude when that hot water comes out of my shower at home. On a service and adventure trip you visit places that represent simplicity, quaint beauty, at at times poverty. Sharing in the opportunity to visit places like this bring a sense of perspective on the world and also a sense of deep appreciation often when we come home.

3) There is nothing like being of service as a family

We do a lot as families, work hard, play hard, laugh hard…But when we take a break from the fun and intimacy of our family unit and participate together in being of service something very meaningful often arises. I remember the feeling of humbleness and appreciation I had when I was young and watched my father serve a homeless person Thanksgiving dinner. When we are service we have a sense of aliveness. When we work to give back as a family we come together for a greater purpose which helps strengthen our family unit and sets a precedent to continue to be of service.

4) Realize a new calling

When we take a break from our normal lives and delve into a journey abroad new doorways are opened that don’t necessarily close when you return home. We have heard numerous stories of family that have traveled with us, and when returning home have changed the trajectory of their lives. Kids who decided to start service projects at home, teens who decided to shift the college they want to attend, and even adults who decide they want to make a change in their career. When we take a leap, do something new and fresh, and give back to others we often feel a spark within that sheds a new light on life and possibly a new path for us to walk upon.

5) Create a deeper sense of connection of Love in your family

As humans our greatest need is connection. When we are present with one another we feel connected and often loved. When taking part in a service/adventure trip you will be engaged together as a family, present with new experiences, and most of all connected with one another. Most of the time your technology will be put away or won’t work, the TV won’t be there, your work or school won’t be calling, and you will be immersed in the True Nature of your environment while also nurturing the True Nature of everyone in your family. When leading these trips, after a few days, I begin to see the essence of our guests begin to come forth, the walls and defenses that we often have at home begin to fall away, and their true colors begin to shine. Sometimes these are parts of ourselves our families have not seen in sometime or maybe have never seen. In this space of authentic experience and being we learn to appreciate and love one another in a new way.

True Nature Travels Blog

You can incorporate mindfulness into just about anything these days. Eating, walking, working, yoga, communicating. One of the most powerful places I have integrated mindfulness into my own life is in my relationships. My wife and I have embraced mindfulness practices into our partnership and marriage pretty much from the very start. But, it doesn’t end there! Now that we are a family of three – my three year-old daughter and I are finding our own rhythm with how we will share mindfulness together as well. I have found these following five tips helpful in all sorts of different relationships. You can apply the fundamentals of them into any relationship in your life.

1) Practice Mindful Listening and Speaking

Now that we are a family of three – mindful communication with one another is more important than ever!

It has become a norm in our culture to speak a lot, speak fast, and to interrupt. The practice of Mindful Communication can be simple and also quite powerful. It is easiest to begin to practice with someone in an intentional setting, where you are carving out a certain amount of time to try the exercise. Choose who will speak first and who will listen. The person who is speaking has “the floor”and can share whatever they would like. A possible theme can be “How are you feeling now? What is alive in you? How was your day?.” The person that is listening, does just that, listen as fully as possible. The listener might find his or her attention wandering, (that is completely normal), when you realize you have drifted simply come back to your parters voice and words. When they are complete, offer a simple acknowledgment (ie. Thank you.) and switch.

2) Share a Mindful Meal

One of our many retreat centers in Costa Rica serving up delicious, wholesome, organic and fresh food. It’s easy to eat mindfully here!

I know one of my tendencies is to eat fast. There are numerous studies that show the value of slowing down how fast we eat. When sharing a mindful meal with someone you have the opportunity to slow down and appreciate your meal and your company. You can begin your meal by offering a word of gratitude. Together you can appreciate what you are eating, observing the smell of the food, the presentation, and then together sharing in the taste of the food. To add another piece to this practice you could try to weave in some Mindful Sharing or even try out a silent meal where you don’t talk, but simply enjoy your food and your company in a new and fresh way.

3) Take a Mindful Walk

My daughter, Jaya reminding me to stop and smell… the mushrooms!

Walking meditation is one of the most common forms of Mindfulness practice. Taking a walk can be a wonderful way to slow down, get outside, and share in the present moment with another. It is said that the slow and constant pace of walking can have greater benefits on the physical than many intensive exercises. When walking together we also have an opportunity to share mindfully. Practice mindful observation, where you see through the eyes of a child. Point out the beauty that surrounds. Thich Nhat Hanh calls this practice “Kissing the Earth together with every step.

4) Mindful Intimacy

Having a little one, running a business and also supporting my wife who has a very successful career as a musician (and travels a lot!) requires conscious and mindful effort at times for us to stay and feel connected. Sometimes, we just need to remember to have fun together. I snapped this picture of us recently on our bowling “date night.” When you both know how much time and energy it takes to be together, you appreciate one another that much more. We had a blast!

Yes, of course, one of our favorite and most familiar places of authentically being mindful is when we share in intimacy with a loved one. When sharing in intimacy you have one of your greatest opportunities to be mindful. The best part of this practice is that it normally happens naturally. When we are being intimate with another, we are drawn into the moment and our mind normally settles into the comfort, nurturing, and love that is shared in a space of intimacy. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. Some tips to enhance your experience can be to sit silently for a few minutes before you begin, look into each others eyes, and try breathing together.

5) Create a Regular Mindfulness Practice Together

From the moment we said, “I do,” we have made mindfulness one of the core values in our marriage and family.

Weaving awareness into our regular day life is true goal of mindfulness. But one of the most beneficial ways of practicing is to create a regular formal meditation practice, and to practice with someone else. Try to create a routine, where you meet at the same time, ideally in a place that is special to both of you. Be as intentional and reverent as possible, and use the presence of one another to support the practice. There can be something so sweet, simple, and intimate about sitting with someone in the space of silent practice.

Do you have any mindfulness tips that have worked or helped your relationships? I would love to hear them!

39523_165335256815075_7746876_nJoshua Canter is the Founder and Director of True Nature Education.  He holds a MA in Contemplative Psychology with an Emphasis on Mindfulness. Joshua is a meditation teacher, trained facilitator, retreat leader trainer, and  yoga instructor.  Since 2002, Joshua has been living part time in Costa Rica and in Asheville, North Carolina, teaching courses and workshops, leading retreats, and accompanying his wife, Luna Ray, musically she travels throughout the United States. Joshua is also a father to his daughter Jaya Arielle.


True Nature Travels Blog

Please join us from October 1-14 for our very first Instagram Challenge! (btw – we are @truenatureeducation on insta) Yes, we are finally jumping on the instagram challenge train – and when our team here at True Nature thought, “What sort of challenge would reflect what is important to us,” MINDFULNESS came up right away and how we look to bring presence and mindfulness into our work for the company and also into our everyday lives.

A little bit about mindfulness (from our point of view)…

Mindfulness is a VERB. It is a word created to be put into action and not just talked about during a yoga class or thought about while meditating or read about only in books. In fact, mindfulness is one of the most important tools you can invite into your heart to bring your practice off the mat and the cushion and into your day to day life. In short, mindfulness is pretty freaking awesome.

From lowering stress, improving health, shifting relationship dynamics, increasing focus in students (of all ages) there are a plethora of studies and research out there that basically talks mindfulness up to being a key element to invite into your life, if you want to live with a sense of connection, freedom and happiness to the life you are living. Mindfulness helps us to notice the presence, peace and beauty that is always available to us, in each and every moment.

The Challenge!

OK! So, here is what we are asking you to do. Post an image everyday (or as many days as you can) and share how you chose to mindful in that moment. Maybe it was going for a walk, doing the dishes, changing a diaper, sending emails, having a conversation – truly, while we may not really have the opportunity to practice headstand in every moment of our lives, we DO in fact have the chance to practice mindfulness – so get creative and go for it!

We hope you will join us all through the month of October using the hashtag #everydaymindfulness and posting an image of where you found an opportunity to practice mindfulness in your day. Maybe it was sitting in traffic or walking the dog, washing the dishes or simply connecting with a friend. We look forward to seeing you during this journey. Let’s set an intention together that by taking five minutes a day for mindfulness, that it transforms us to notice the life that is right here, in front of us, always unfolding.

Our Sponsors!


Samara Zelniker – Follow her on instagram @mindfulnessmatters

Samara Zelniker is the founder and president of Mindfulness Matters. She began her company after several years in the corporate workplace. She often came home feeling depleted, unfulfilled and with limited time and energy to focus on extracurricular activities. She thought that if she were feeling this way, others probably were too. A shift in focus from stress and sluggishness to health and action was a must. Samara received her 200 hour teacher training through Power Yoga Canada.
She recently went on a life changing trip to Nairobi, Kenya where she helped train 150 people from all over Africa to become yoga teachers. Through this, she received an additional 100 hours of teacher training through Africa Yoga Project. She was deeply touched by the people that she met and inspired by how yoga shaped their daily lives.



Alana Roach – Follow her on Instagram @alanaroachyoga

Alana is a 2015 True Nature Faculty Member and is hosting her first retreat in Costa Rica January 17th-24th 2015. Alana’s love for yoga came from firsthand experience with just how powerful the practice is.

“In 2009, Yoga found me. I felt as though I was at true peace. I finally knew what the word meant. Until that moment, I had just understood it cerebrally. There is something profound to be said about Peace dropping into the heart. I realize now that I have been training to practice and teach yoga my whole life”

In 2012, her journey took her to India for 3 months where she trained with incredible locals near the Himalayas and fell into a rhythm of practice that felt sustaining. She has been teaching ever since all over the world and is currently in Costa Rica to spread the light of yoga there. CYT and E-RYT certified in Vinyasa with a focus in Ashtanga Yoga and her personal studies of energy work, yoga theory, and style ranging from restorative to power and everything in between. With over 1,000 hours of teaching experience, Alana teaches all levels and all ages.


Dana Phillips – Follow her on Instagram @tulaajewelry

Dana Phillips is a Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Mom to two-legged and four legged beings and founder of Tulaa Jewelry where she designs and creates each piece using healing stones. Dana reiki’s each piece to activate the natural healing qualities of the stones. She loves custom orders and feels that she can then connect directly with her customers by creating special pieces specifically for their needs.

Prizes from the Instagram challenge are from Dana and Tulaa Jewelry!

Jessica-Durivage-Mantra-2Jessica Durivage-Kerridge – follow her on Instagram @whereismyguru

Jessica Durivage-Kerridge is the Global Relations Coordinator right here at True Nature! Her first true love affair was with travel and seeing the world. She’s a mystic mama who wears the badge “seeker of truth” on her heart (and who wears her heart on her sleeve). Since 2001 Jessica has been an passionate and purposeful traveler with several trips around the globe sharing her gifts and talents to the communities she meets.

Jessica now resides in Myrtle Beach, SC with her husband Carl, son Ellis, dog Julia Olive and two cats, Suki and Spooky. You can find more about Jessica, her writing and teaching at and

Get started NOW and promote the challenge!

Use this copy (or edit for you!) and grab one of the photos below to let your community know that you are down with #everydaymindfulness and we will see you on October 1st!

Join me and @truenatureeducation @mindfulnessmatters @alanaroachyoga @tulaajewelry and @whereismyguru all month long this October for their #everydaymindfulness instagram challenge! We will be sharing moments of #mindfulness during our busy days to find more peace and presence in our lives!

EverydayMindfulness Trailer


be here now

True Nature Travels Blog

imageLast week on yoga retreat with Missy Balsam Yoga, we had an amazing group come together at Finca Luna Nueva Lodge. For our service “karma” yoga project, we reached out to a local tico family — a mother and daughter — to give their house new life with a fresh coat of paint.

Having endured hard times of late, the mother and daughter had been robbed the week before. What’s more is that their grandmother was also in the hospital.

imageHere is a letter written to us by our TNE Village Representative, Lindsay Padilla, that she sent after the end of a very rewarding day:

It was a great experience! Missy and every one of the group are amazing. We had fun!
The house looks beautiful now. It was very deep to see Ligia’s family SO happy and thankful.
Daisy made three beautiful dolls (handmade) for Missy and two more ladies. They just had mango and they shared it! We painted both outside and the inside of the house, and it looks so good!
imageWe noticed there was a really big hole in Ligia’s bedroom wall. It was there because their home had been robbed by a group of people. 
They had no money for buying the piece of plywood and a lady gave them $20. Osvaldo came back some minutes after that in order to say thanks and to show her the hardware store ticket. It was very nice. Daisy and her mom had a white blanket, and they wanted to have the participant’s hands printed on this, as a good memory.
Daisy told me her mom was so happy to decorate her small (really small) living room with that piece of cloth. That made me cry!
After a beautiful SUNNY morning (yes!!!) we came back home and the group enjoyed the company and hospitality of the mother’s home.  Especially the kitchen and, of course, her food.
imageWe had a cooking class, we practiced how to prepare coffee (real Costa Rican style). After that, I invited them to come and see my house and garden.
I shared some words and I got too many hugs. Enough to last for a life time, I guess 🙂

True Nature Travels Blog

communityyoga_eventphoto“Good morning is not just a word, its an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right!”

Fain Blake



Every morning when we rise, each and every one of us are given a precious and priceless gift.  We have the opportunity to start fresh.  Whether you consider yourself to be a morning person or not, creating a simple routine in the morning when you wake up can set you on the right track to move through your day with a little bit more ease and grace.  And, who would not want a little less effort in their lives these days?

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”  

Meister Eckhart

1. Linger a little longer

Let the first thing you do when you open your eyes be just that.  Open your eyes.  Give yourself and opportunity to drink in this precious moment of awakening.  Many of us literally dread that moment each day when you have to wake up.  Let’s be honest.  If you actually dread opening your eyes in the morning – is that really setting yourself up for a good beginning to the rest of the day? This may take some practice, but if you allow yourself 3-5 minutes to wake up slowly and gently, stretching your body, feeling the rest that you received the night before preparing you for the day ahead and actually visualizing yourself having a great day – then you are giving yourself the best possible start to having a great day!

cr2010-2006-12. Wait a while before turning on your computers

For at least 30-45 minutes after you wake up, try not to have any devices working on you.  No television. No computer. No phone.  Your email will be there.  Facebook will be there.  The to-do lists and the calendars will be there.

3. Have a glass of warm water with lemon.

Studies show  that drinking a glass of warm lemon water supports immune function, battles bad breath, can jumpstart weight loss and much, much more. It also just makes you feel good.  And that’s a good thing.

4. Find a few moments for stillness

It’s no surprise any more that meditation is good for the body, mind and spirit.  Taking five to 15 minutes a day to still your mind and focus on your breath, a mantra, a flower or just simply taking a quiet walk in nature aids in lowering stress levels, more restful sleep and cultivating more mindfulness throughout your day.

5. Don’t forget to say “thank you”

Starting your day with a thankful heart is such a simple but impactful practice.  You can end your meditation by taking a few moments to sit with gratitude for all of the things in your life you wish to give thanks for.


“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

Marcus Aurelius




True Nature Travels Blog

2476194865fc99f24a7d8661d779533bWe often get caught up in thinking that mindfulness, love and compassion will reveal themselves to us in a climatic and dramatic way.  We begin to “expect” something like this and with those expectations, we can miss the message that the present moment is sending us.  And that is, that this very moment is enough.

Our culture of “achieving” often can get wrapped up into thinking that even inner peace is something we need to work hard for.  In fact, it is when we empty our minds of all the “to-do” lists that our true nature – our inner light – begins to reveal itself to us.  This moment is not asking anything more from us than our complete and total presence to it.  Whether that is taking a deep breath, watching your children play, honoring Mother Nature by sitting down to take in a sunrise or sunset.  To let yourself become absorbed completely in the moment is when your awareness of living a mindful life begins to deepen.

390572166d02379f0068722cd31abd76So, what about the moments when you are sitting in traffic?  Or, when you are arguing with your partner? Or when you walk into the laundry room and the clothes are stacked up to the ceiling and you wish you could just close the door and make them disappear?  What about the moments when you feel overwhelmed with all there is to do and you wish you could manifest more hours in the day to get everything done?  Well, those moments are just as real and just as important as the ones when you find yourself immersed in the delight and laughter of your children.  We must be able to find presence in those uncomfortable moments as well.  But, it takes time.  It takes patience and most of all, it takes practice.

Join us for a #MindfulMonday series where we will share simple practices to support you in connecting more deeply with your True Nature and cultivating tools to live a more mindful life.  And, the first lesson is – it starts right now.